Rocky Mountain Cowboy Read online

Page 6

  “Hear, hear,” Everly agreed.

  “Does that exist?” Kate couldn’t help but ask. Because in her world, even a simple kiss came with complications.

  “No. It does not,” Jessa insisted. “In chapter eight of Mind-Blowing Intimacy, it says, and I quote, ‘Every act of sexual intimacy leaves its mark on the human soul. Sex does more than bring two bodies together. It also unites their hearts and spirits and intellects, bringing the two into one.’”

  “Good Lord,” Darla muttered. “She’s got the whole damn book memorized.”

  “It’s a very insightful book,” Jessa shot back. “Even Lance thinks so. We read it together. He really enjoyed it.”

  “Ha!” Darla led Kate to the open chair and then wedged herself between Jessa and Naomi on the couch. “I don’t think it was the reading he enjoyed. How many times did you and Lance have mind-blowing sex after reading a chapter in Mind-Blowing Intimacy? Hmmm?”

  Jessa’s face turned red. Kate didn’t know a woman could blush that much. “That’s not the point.”

  “Lance is no idiot,” Everly commented, helping herself to a cookie from a platter that sat on the coffee table. “A chapter in some boring book is a small price to pay for good sex.”

  “What do you think?” Jessa directed the question to Kate like she’d decided to give up on Darla and Everly. “In your experience, are sex and intimacy mutually exclusive?”

  Kate considered the question. Not that she had a ton of experience with either. In fact, her most recent kiss would rank right up there with the most intimate experiences of her life, and she’d only met the man yesterday. How sad was that? “It’s probably different for everyone. I’m sure when you’re married to the person you love the most in the world, sex feels a lot more intimate.” She smiled at Darla to show she meant no offense. “Some people don’t want that, but I wouldn’t mind having it someday.”

  “Oh, speaking of sex…how was your dinner?” Naomi asked with an interested smirk.

  “Dinner? Who’d you have dinner with?” Everly demanded.

  “She made dinner for J.J. Alexander tonight,” Naomi informed the room. An echo of girlish excitement went around.

  “I heard he was back in town,” Darla murmured. “Or at least back near town. Working at the resort. How the hell did you score dinner with him?”

  “It’s a long story.” And it didn’t show Kate in the best light. “I’m watching Bella for him while he’s working on the mountain.”

  “Smart move,” Jessa said with admiration. “The way to every man’s heart is through his dog.”

  “So did you two enjoy more than dinner?” Darla scooted to the edge of the couch as if the suspense were killing her.

  “No.” A sweltering blush contradicted her. Yes, yes, yes. “Well, kind of. He kissed me.”

  More cheering ensued, but she muted it with a shake of her head. “It’s not good.”

  “The kiss wasn’t good?” Everly asked.

  “The kiss was good.” So tender and meaningful. Something told her J.J. didn’t kiss just anyone. She let her head fall back to the cushion with a sigh. “But I was only having dinner with him so I could get an interview. Except he doesn’t know that yet. I was too afraid to tell him I worked for Adrenaline Junkie. I wanted to get to know him first. So I wouldn’t scare him off…”

  “Sounds to me like you got to know him.” Darla elbowed Jessa and Naomi with an amused smile.

  “So what’s he like?” Everly reached over and handed Kate a cookie.

  She ate the chocolate chip goodness, still trying to process the last two hours of her life. “He’s…different than I thought.” She wasn’t expecting a snowboarder to have so much depth. Sure that was a stereotype, but in her experience, stereotypes existed for a reason. “And he’s definitely a different person than the media made him out to be.” Kinder. More thoughtful.

  “The media made him look like a bona fide asshole,” Darla said.

  “Only he’s not.” Kate was pretty sure her eyes had gotten all dreamy and pathetic but it couldn’t be helped. “He’s actually a really good person.” A little surly maybe, but he’d been through a lot.

  “Oh boy,” Naomi muttered. “I’ve seen that look before.”

  “She’s smitten,” Jessa confirmed.

  Smitten? Despite her current predicament, Kate laughed. She definitely wasn’t in L.A. anymore. “I like him,” she admitted. “But I also have to get this story.”

  Her four new friends traded around perplexed glances.

  “All right,” Darla finally said. “Here’s what you should do. Spend more time with him so he’ll know you’re not a threat.”

  “But don’t wait too long to tell him the truth,” Everly added. “And when you do tell him, make sure he knows you have his best interests in mind. That you want to help him repair his image in the media.”

  “That sounds like a good plan.” She had a whole week here, so she could spend a couple more days with Bella. Maybe hang out with J.J. too—on the condition that there was no more kissing until he knew the truth.

  * * *

  “What do you think, Bella?”

  Jaden rearranged the orange gerbera daisies in a vase he’d found stashed in the pantry. The flowers reminded him of Kate. Bright and cheerful, but delicate too. They definitely made a statement on the patio table, much like her. She’d left an impression on him last night with that dinner, and now he intended to do the same by making her breakfast.

  The dog took a curious lap around the table, her neck stretching and nose sniffing at the very edge.

  “Sorry, pooch. The bacon’s for the humans.” Jaden pushed the platter of meat and pancakes farther to the center so they’d stay out of reach. After spending so much of her life hungry, Bella had a tendency to get wild about food. “But I promise you all of the leftovers if you behave.”

  Could he behave? That was the real question. Last night’s kiss had stoked something he hadn’t experienced in months. Emotion. It’d shocked him to feel something when Kate had looked at him all unsure and shy from across the fire. The flames had made her face lovely and soft. Then, when he’d gotten so close to her in the kitchen, desire had surged hot and fast, triggering him to act before he could think it through.

  Sometimes it was good not to think. He hadn’t thought about Kipp or the accident the whole evening. It’d been nice to focus on someone else’s problems for a change.

  After that, though, he couldn’t stay away from her. Kissing her had roughed him up on the inside, chipping away at layers of detachment he’d built until his heart felt raw and exposed and alive again. This morning, he’d woken with a craving for more. Which is why he’d hauled his ass out of bed early enough to make a grocery run so he could surprise her the way she’d surprised him.

  The doorbell rang at 7:59. Right on schedule. Bella went crazy, leaping and scratching at the door as though she somehow already knew her new best friend was there to play. “Easy, girl.” He gently nudged her out of the way and opened the door.

  Kate didn’t look as cheerful this morning, but she didn’t have to smile to hold his attention. The fireworks between them last night had already changed the way he saw her. She wasn’t just an attractive woman anymore. She was downright arousing, especially in a blue hiking skirt that hit midthigh and her white tank top. She’d left her black hair down, wavy and soft around her tanned shoulders. Jaden couldn’t look away. Yeah, he was at full attention. “Morning,” he finally managed.

  “Hi.” Her indifferent tone and focus on Bella instead of him dismissed his greeting. “Are you ready for a fun day, Bella? Come on, girl. Let’s go.”

  The dog started for the door.

  “Sit, Bella,” Jaden commanded in his I mean business voice. She did, but she definitely whined about it. “You can’t go yet,” he said to Kate. “I made you breakfast.”

  The woman glared at him the same way she had last night when he’d told her it had been eight years since he’d eaten ma
shed potatoes. “Is it Honey Nut Cheerios?”

  Oh yeah, he’d surprised her. “It’s pancakes, actually. And bacon. Fruit.” That used to be Gram’s special Sunday morning breakfast on the ranch. He hadn’t made it since she’d moved into assisted living, but what could he say? This was a special occasion. “Isn’t that what normal people have for breakfast?”

  Her lips tightened as though she was trying a little too hard to look annoyed. If you asked him, she looked spooked. “I wasn’t aware you were normal.”

  He wasn’t. Or at least he hadn’t felt normal until she’d pressed her body against his last night. “Have breakfast with me, and I’ll show you how normal I am.” She was the one who’d made him feel normal, who’d given him the chance to be someone other than J.J. Alexander, the Snowboarding Cowboy.

  Kate glanced back at her car. “I don’t think I can stay. I have a lot planned for Bella today, so we should probably get going.”

  “You have a lot planned for my dog?” he asked, making sure his skepticism didn’t go over her head. “Like what?”

  “Well…you know…” How could he know when she didn’t even seem to know? “I’m bringing her to the inn to meet Bogart,” Kate said, looking satisfied with herself. “That’s Naomi’s dog. He’s really sweet.”

  Jaden resisted the urge to smile. “Do you have reservations to meet Bogart?”

  “Um…not exactly, but I don’t know Naomi’s schedule.” Kate’s cheeks were pinker than they had been when he’d first opened the door. That was good, right? She didn’t seem to be hesitating because she couldn’t stand him. She just seemed to get nervous around him.

  He opened the door wider. “All the food is made. Table is set.” He’d even picked out flowers.

  “Okay. Fine.” She stalked past him and followed Bella to the kitchen. “I’ll have breakfast with you.”

  “Perfect. Everything’s out on the deck.” Jaden led the way and carefully gauged her reaction as she stepped through the door.

  Kate’s dark eyes widened when she saw the flowers on the table, but she didn’t mention them.

  They each took the same seat they’d sat in last night. The ambiance was different, though. Bright and warm and relaxed. Actually, scratch that. Kate’s bare shoulders looked tense.

  “Nothing like starting the day off with a good breakfast.” Jaden took the liberty of serving her pancakes and syrup, along with a helping of fruit and a few slices of bacon before he filled his own plate. She didn’t answer, but silence with Kate didn’t press into him like it did with some people. It was…easy.

  Bella wriggle-crawled her way underneath the very center of the table as though she couldn’t decide who would be most likely to drop her a crumb.

  Kate took a bite of the food and chewed slowly. “Wow.” Her face perked up. “These pancakes are incredible.”

  “Mmm-hmmm.” He tried one too. They were light and airy, exactly the way he remembered. “It’s my grandma’s recipe. She always whipped the egg whites forever. Then she would carefully fold them into the batter.”

  “They’re so fluffy.” Kate seemed fascinated, inspecting them as she cut another bite.

  “So this breakfast isn’t as painful as you thought.” He’d intended the words to make a point, and Kate seemed to take it in stride.

  “No. It’s not painful at all.” The first hints of a smile relaxed her face. “The food isn’t half bad. Way better than Honey Nut Cheerios. I’m glad I stayed.”

  Jaden set down his fork and held her gaze. “Only for the food?” Because he wasn’t enjoying the pancakes as much as he was enjoying sitting across from her, sharing breakfast with someone.

  “Not only because of the food,” she murmured with an unsure glance. “But…my life is a little complicated right now.”

  Join the club. He seemed to have secured a lifelong membership. “So is mine. That’s why it’s nice to have something uncomplicated. Dinner. Breakfast.” He needed that. Something normal. Another presence in his world. Conversation. He hadn’t realized how much he needed it until last night. For some reason, he found it so easy to be honest with Kate. “I like you. Spending time with you is…simple. And nothing in my life has been simple for a long time.”

  “I like you too.” Kate’s smile grew, finally resembling that quirk of her lips she’d shown off when he’d kissed her last night.

  “So let’s not complicate it,” he suggested. “Let’s have dinner while you’re in town. And breakfast. Maybe lunch once in a while. Whatever works.”

  “That sounds perfect.” She poured herself a glass of orange juice. “So what’s complicating your life right now?”

  A familiar tension crowded his gut. “Let’s make a pact not to talk about our complications.”

  Kate tilted her head as she studied him. “What are we going to talk about, then?”

  “Um…” Talking had never been one of his talents. “Our families?” That would be a short conversation on his part. “Funny stories from when we were growing up?” He had plenty of those. “But why don’t we start with our most embarrassing moments?” That should be good for a laugh, keep things light.

  Kate dropped her head, suddenly extremely interested in her food again. “Um…no thank you.”

  “Ohhh…you must have a good one.”

  “I hardly know you.” She hastily helped herself to more pancakes, drowning them in syrup. “Why would I tell you my most embarrassing moments?”

  “I think you’re being dramatic,” he teased. “I bet your most embarrassing moment isn’t even embarrassing.” She’d probably gotten toilet paper stuck to her shoe or something lame like that.

  “Oh, it went way past embarrassing,” she assured him. “It was humiliating.”

  “Now I have to know.” Jaden refilled his mug of coffee from the pitcher he’d brought out. Though for once he didn’t feel like he needed it. He’d slept better last night than he had in months. “I swear I won’t tell anyone else.”

  “Fine.” She left a dramatic pause. “My sophomore year of high school, I asked a boy to homecoming.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

  Kate narrowed her eyes. “My friends convinced me I should decorate his car. So I skipped our last class and spent an hour covering his beloved Mustang in flowers and streamers and balloons and cute little signs.”

  “Uh-oh.” He had a feeling he knew where this was going.

  “Yeah.” She crossed her arms and leaned back. “So when the bell rang, the entire school walked out to the parking lot and there I was, sitting on the hood of Tommy’s car with a rose in my mouth and this huge, obnoxious, glittery sign asking him to go to the dance with me.”

  A laugh was brewing. He could feel it starting way down deep. Jaden held his breath so it wouldn’t come out.

  “When the guy came out and saw me,” she continued, “he was horrified. He kept yelling about his car. How could I touch his damn car?”

  “Ouch.” Don’t laugh. Whatever you do, don’t laugh. It was hard, though, considering she told the story in a way that made him picture every detail.

  “He said no, by the way. He said he wouldn’t even go to Taco Bell with me.”

  That did it. Jaden could no longer hold back. But at least she laughed too. “See? I told you it was humiliating. Now you have to make me feel better about myself and tell me yours.”

  “Right. A promise is a promise.” Even though his didn’t even compare to the scene she’d just detailed for him. “My most embarrassing moment was in high school too.” Wasn’t everyone’s? “I was in English class screwing around, being loud and obnoxious, and the teacher made me get up to apologize to the whole class.”

  “I have a hard time seeing you as loud and obnoxious.”

  “Oh, trust me.” Before a couple of months ago, he’d been a lot more outgoing. He’d always preferred to think of it as extroverted and friendly rather than obnoxious. “Anyway, in front of the whole class, Miss Tolbert said, ‘You come up to the front
of the room right now and tell the class you’re sexy. I mean sorry!’” He mimicked the old woman’s voice for effect.

  Kate did not look amused. “That’s it? You’re telling me that the most embarrassing moment of your life has to do with you being hot?”

  Yeah, he had a feeling she wouldn’t be impressed. “Miss Tolbert was a hundred years old. And that’s all anyone could talk about for weeks. You should’ve heard the rumors that went around about us.”

  “I’m sorry.” She shook her head, her sleek black hair swooshing around her shoulders. “That doesn’t count as an embarrassing moment.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it probably made you a legend in your school,” she grumbled. “It sounds to me like that was Miss Tolbert’s most embarrassing moment, not yours.”

  Jaden laughed. “I never thought of it that way.” But the woman had a point. “If it makes you feel better, I would’ve gone to homecoming with you.”

  “Right.” She made a show of rolling her eyes. “Sure.”

  “Why don’t you believe me?” Seriously. He would’ve killed to go to homecoming with someone as intriguing as Kate Livingston.

  “You were this big-time snowboarder jock, and I was a newspaper nerd.” She huffed. “I highly doubt you would’ve gone to homecoming with me.”

  “Maybe I would’ve surprised you,” he said, eyeing her lips. The same way he’d surprised her last night…

  “You’ve definitely accomplished that, Jay.” Kate stared into his eyes with a slow smile. “I think it’s fair to say I’ve never been more surprised by someone in my life.”

  Chapter Seven

  Today’s the day, Bella.” Kate uttered a heart-cleansing sigh and gazed at the dog, who sat with her ears perked in rapt attention in the passenger seat of the borrowed Subaru. They’d been sitting in Jay’s driveway for ten minutes, but Kate hadn’t been able to get out and face the man.

  “I have to tell him.” Time was running out. Over the last week, Gregor had called and texted roughly twenty times, asking how the story was going, checking in to see if she’d finished a draft yet. She’d been putting him off, telling him that Jay had been extra busy so she hadn’t collected all the facts yet. Which hadn’t been a complete lie. Jay had been extra busy this week. She’d simply neglected to tell Gregor that Jay had been busy with her.